I grandi ostici dell’essiccazione: le albicocche

Ostici sì, ma non troppo! Basterà tenere conto di due aspetti fondamentali quali dimensioni e temperatura e una volta essiccate, avrete degli ottimi spuntini, comodi da trasportare e da mangiare in ogni momento della giornata.

Apricots galore (medium size and good ripening point)

If the size of the longest side of your apricot exceeds 4 cm, spoilage would come before it is dried, so best to leave it alone (unless you want to slice them into 5 mm thin slices or small pieces, then OK). Regular-sized apricots should be opened in half, pitted and placed belly up in the dryer's baskets (without baking paper or Drysilk).

Choose a programme around 50° (or more if necessary), t4 or t5 for 48/60 h.
It is advisable to check them from time to time because if they change their appearance between checks, it means they still have water to expel. The 9 test: squeeze the apricot's tummy, it must be hard.
Then store them in a hermetically sealed glass jar.

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