A pesto of dried cherry tomatoes, to remember summer all year round

By drying good tomatoes we will always have the perfect ingredient in our pantry to prepare a typical summer sauce to enjoy all year round!

dried cherry tomatoes
parmesan cheese
spices and flavourings as desired

Preferably choose small tomatoes (datterino, ciliegino, Piccadilly or San Marzano), cut in half lengthwise (about 1 cm thick) and place in the drier for 2 to 3 days depending on thickness.

To prepare the pesto, soak the dried cherry tomatoes in a little warm water with a teaspoon of vinegar for about 20 minutes, drain and dry them. Chop the cherry tomatoes in a blender with the Parmesan cheese, basil and other flavourings (garlic, capers, anchovies, olives etc.) and add the oil. It can be stored in glass jars in the fridge for a few weeks, covered with oil.

t4-t5 for 30/48h

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