I ready-made risottos can saving a dinner when we return tired and behind schedule; obviously we are not talking about a risotto packaged in a bag and taken from the supermarket shelf, but prepared entirely by ourselves, starting with the vegetables, dried of course!
(servings for 2 persons)
160 g Vialone Nano rice
100 g courgettes
40 g onion
the zest of ½ a lemon
30 g carrot
2 teaspoons of home-made dried vegetable stock cube
1 tablespoon baking powder
4 g rock salt
Wash and dice the courgettes after removing the two ends. Slice the onion and finely chop the lemon zest. Finely chop the carrot and place all the vegetables in the desiccator.
Perfect a t4 at 50°C for 12 h until they are completely dehydrated.
Now mix the rice, dehydrated vegetables, homemade vegetable stock cube, nutritional yeast and salt in a bowl and put everything in a small bag. To prepare it, add hot water and oil and prepare it like a normal risotto.
Recipe of Martino Beria