And who said that those who choose a crudist regime have to give up bread? Thanks to the dryer, you can prepare a very good bread to accompany any dish, raw or otherwise.
1 cup linseed
1 cup sunflower seeds
5 large red onions
60 ml tamari sauce or shoyu
½ cup EVO oil
Grind or blend the flax and sunflower seeds, thinly slice the onions with a mandoline or food processor and combine them with the seed flour in a bowl. Add the oil and soy sauce and knead with your hands until a smooth dough is obtained. Roll out the dough, which will occupy more or less 2 trays of the dryer.
Programme P3 BioCrudist for 5/6 hours, turn the sheet over and dry for another 4 hours.
Your bread is ready and can be kept in the fridge for a few days.