Raw root spaghetti with valerian pesto, rocket and seed pods

Not just spaghetti and a recipe that wants to play with the textures of the ingredients: the crunchiness, the texture of raw roots and the viscosity of pesto! Let's try it together.

(x 4 persons)

For flaxseed waffles:
linseed 250g
sun-dried tomatoes 7-8
nutritional yeast 2 tablespoons
hemp seed 80g
wholemeal salt to taste
oregano q.b.

For the pesto:
16 g valerian
6 g rocket
40 g pine nuts
25 g almonds
3 g salt
120 g extra virgin olive oil

For root noodles:
120 g white daikon
120 g red turnip

To prepare the sheets, simply soak the flax seeds in 200 ml water for 12 hours. Then blend them with the dried tomatoes, yeast, oregano, hemp seeds and salt to taste. Then roll out the dough on dryer trays covered with baking paper or DrySilk, trying to make it homogeneous, about 5 mm thick.

t3 at 40°C and left to dry for 24 hours, turning the sheet and removing the non-stick foil after 12 hours.

Once dried, cut the wafers into oblong shapes. Prepare the pesto by blending all the ingredients with a minipimer. Temper the daikon and red turnip with a vegetable sharpener until you obtain coarse 'noodles'. Compose the dish by alternating the elements and finishing with the dried wafer and a drizzle of oil.

Recipe of Martino Beria

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