By popular demand comes the second date of the specialisation course on drying, with Paolo Dalicandro. Same place and time: 2 December, in Rome, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the school Dining with the chef, I Chef Dalicandro will hold a new lesson dedicated to the use of the dryer, to discover and deepen the potential of this tool and thisancient conservation technique.
Forget dried apples and cherry tomatoes (which always make a good impression, by the way): from Dalicandro's kitchen come dried powders, fried and crunchable waffles, meringues and candied fruit, flavoured salts and sugars, and much more.
In the previous lesson, many tricks were revealed, but we cannot anticipate too many of them so as not to deprive you of the taste of discovery.
You will understand how to choose a dryer, the differences between a vertical and horizontal dryer, the use of non-stick sheets and the choice of temperatures...
At the end of the course, a discount code valid for the purchase of a dryer or other drying-related products, offered by Tauro!
The cost of the course is 40€ and you can have more info or register from . of the school!
All details of the course below:
WHEREVia della Pineta Sacchetti, 263 00168 - Rome
WHEN2 December 2017
TIMETABLE: 10.00 – 13.00
COST: € 40,00