Drying this time comes in Apuliawith the new course by Paolo Dalicandro14 April from 15.30 to 19.30!
'The dryer, from preservation to candying'
Lo Chef Dalicandro is a fan of drying and especially of a unconventional use of this tool, the potential of which he is deepening. From healty cooking to home-made powders, from dried meat to puffed pastry, from fruit wafers to meringues, from candied fruit to crushed peppers: this and much more in the four hours of high intensity in the company of the chef.
In this lesson you will learn the tricks and the techniques use of the dryer, how to make it useful in your kitchen for preparation and storage, how to choose it, the differences between a vertical and horizontal dryer, the use of non-stick sheets and the choice of temperatures.
The lesson, which will take place on Saturday 14 April, will be of a theoretical-demonstrative nature and will last approximately 4 hours (from 15.30 to 19.30).
At the Ass. Kitchen's Angels Puglia
p.zza XX Settembre 39 in Rutigliano (BA)
for info and reservations: 3921356919