It was born less than a year ago but already counts thousands of members and unceasing activity made up of exchanges of ideas, suggestions, questions and answers, trial and error and many, many recipes.
We are talking about the Community 'People Who Dry, the Facebook group that Tauro created to allow all drying enthusiasts to meet in one place, discuss and talk directly with his staff of experts.
Now it is the time to really get to know each other: for this reason, after the March mini-meetings held in Milan and Montichiari, within the Vita in Campagna and Fa' la Cosa Giusta fairs, Tauro is organising the first official meeting on 20 May in Bologna.
All details are available in the community: location, times, content and many surprises! To participate, join the Facebook group and register for the event. Not part of the community? No panic: sign up now, it's that easy 😉
Any anticipations?
Bring and eat. Strictly dry!
Tauro provides lunch, strictly vegetarian, but there will also be room for a fun 'bring and eat': each participant will be able to share his or her dried creations and have the space to tell everyone about the best ideas made with Biosec.
The Little Chemist's Corner
With us will be Livio, Tauro's supreme leader, now famous for his answers in the group, who will be the protagonist of a deeply scientific educational moment to resolve many doubts regarding the more technical aspects of drying.
The chef's corner
Guest of honour, with his original and surprising recipes, chef Paolo Dalicandro. A great connoisseur of drying, he always has something new to tell. Prepare your questions for him too, but above all be prepared to taste some of his most famous preparations. And mouth-watering 😉
For the rest, the location is wonderful, the company will be just as wonderful, you won't want to miss it, will you?
Join the Community TauroWe look forward to seeing you, online and offline!