In exactly one month, the 9th edition of Life in the Countrysidethe fair for those who love the land and its products. We of Taurowhich, as per tradition, we will be present with our stand, we have come up with aunique opportunity for the professionals of drying.
Do you have a small farm, do you own and use one of our dryers professionally, and do you need to get together with other professionals in your field to share best practices and exchange accurate information?
For an open and constructive discussion, we invite you to the round table "Tauro introduces professional drying', Saturday 23 March, 11 a.m. at the Vita in Campagna trade fair (Montichiari, BS). The meeting is free of charge.
If you are interested in participating, please email us at e we will reserve your place at our table.
(Please leave your name and telephone number).
We look forward to seeing you at the fair, we have plenty of information to give your business a solid foundation.
ps. If, however, such a project is among your plans for the future and your business is not yet up and running, keep following our community, useful meeting opportunities will soon arrive for you too!