Tauro Essiccatori was born from the passion of those who live nature and the countryside every day with respect, ingenuity and dedication.
Tauro Essiccatori was born in the Veneto countryside. This is where the ideas for our dryers germinated, the mind turned to those who make history and culture with agriculture. Our customers love the quality of Made in Italy, the sharing of values and traditions, the attention and respect for the environment, man and the fruits of hard work.
We have always been driven by values that are much talked about today: energy saving, eco-sustainability, food quality and respect for their production cycle. This is where we start every day to design reliable and durable drying systems that can guarantee those who use them the highest quality of the dried product.

From the first prototypes to the Dryset Pro system: thirty years of development.
The first Tauro dryer, which was to become Biosec, was born almost thirty years ago from the ingenuity and creativity of someone who lived nature, the countryside, the vegetable garden and the orchard on a daily basis. A personal passion became a business idea, with immediate success and continuous growth. And it is with that idea firmly in mind that each of our dryers is born today.
The patient path traced over the years has enabled us to become a reference in the industry. Years of research and development have resulted in a range of dryers that encapsulates all our knowledge. A constant evolution, which still sees us designing the dryers of tomorrow. Always with a focus on product evolution, while holding firm to the values from which we started.

Raw materials, components, partners: all close to us. Quality assurance and control.
All our dryers are manufactured in our factory in Camisano Vicentino. Every element of our dryers is sourced from suppliers we trust absolutely and locally.
We have decided to work exclusively with partners close to us because we like to support local realities and because we believe in collaboration and quality. A quality that for thirty years has been reflected in every dryer that comes out of our production.