08.09 | SANA 2018 - Event with Chef Broccoli

How to 'dry out' waste? A healthy and tasty snack with the pastry chef. SANA, Bologna, 8 September, 4.30 p.m. Hall. 30, Stand C62-D61 Come and discover the wonders that a vegan pastry chef, the most prestigious magazine in the sector and, of course, the...

Paolo Dalicandro, official chef for Tauro Essiccatori!

It is with great pleasure that we announce that chef Paolo Dalicandro is now the official chef of Tauro Essiccatori. Paolo has been working with us for a long time and we have already realised many beautiful projects together (among others, we would like to mention his most recent...

The new non-stick line from Tauro!

Drying never stops and we know that! After the preview at the Vita in campagna fair, the new Tauro non-stick line is finally on the market. Discover the fluorescent silicone of SiliDrop and SiliSoft and the layered efficiency...

18.5 | Drying course in Milan with chef Dalicandro

By popular demand, the long-awaited drying course with Chef Dalicandro arrives in Milan, for only 12 people, in a very exclusive setting in Cascina Cuccagna, in the spaces of Il Cucinista (www.ilcucinista.com). A little bit brunch, a little bit course: three ...

26.01 | Drying course in Udine with Chef Dalicandro

Chef Dalicandro's courses around Italy continue, to spread the culture and use of the dryer. This time he is coming to Udine, to the Le Cogarìe association, with an intense 4-hour lesson to discover and deepen the potential of the...

13.12 | Drying course in Rome with Chef Dalicandro

Back on 13 December, in Rome, from 3 to 7 p.m., at the A tavola con lo chef school, Chef Dalicandro will hold an intense course on drying. He will hold an intense lecture to discover and deepen the potential of this tool, learn how to choose the most suitable...