Video drying course: discover the reserved section!

A home drying course? Discover the section dedicated to video tutorials! Tauro Essiccatori offers you a new service, a reserved area with many valuable video tutorials, in which our Sara will tell us all the secrets of home drying.

The first 'People Who Dry' recipe book!

The surprises never end! The 'People Who Dry' Community continues to prove to be a hotbed of ideas, experiments and valuable recipes. We couldn't let them get away like that: we slowly started collecting them and realised that ...

26.10 | Drying course in Rome with chef Dalicandro

A new appointment to learn all the techniques and tricks of unconventional drying, with the teaching of Tauro's official chef, Paolo Dalicandro! We look forward to seeing you at the One Day Chef school in Rome, for four intensive hours, all ...

20.05 | Drying Community Gathering: all the details!

It has been in existence for less than a year but already has thousands of members and an incessant activity of exchanging ideas, suggestions, questions and answers, trial and error and many, many recipes. We are talking about the 'Gente che Essicca' Community, the world's most ...

09.06 | MasterClass with Dryer in Apulia

Paolo Dalicandro strikes again. And this time he is taking us far away, where we at Tauro have never yet arrived in person: the chef will be holding a lesson in Rutigliano (BA) dedicated to discovering and exploring the potential of drying. From cooking...

14.04 | Drying course with chef Paolo Dalicandro

Drying this time comes to Puglia, with Paolo Dalicandro's new course, on 14 April from 15.30 to 19.30! 'The drier, from preservation to candying'. Chef Dalicandro is passionate about drying and especially about ...

24.03 | People Drying meets at the fair

Awaiting the first official gathering in Bologna in May, we decided to meet all the members of our 'Gente che Essicca' community at two unmissable events: the Fa' la Cosa Giusta fairs in Milan and Vita...

29.09 | Drying course in the capital with chef Dalicandro

By popular demand, on 29 September, in Rome, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the school A tavola con lo chef, Chef Dalicandro will hold an intensive lesson to discover and explore the potential of this tool. From healthy cooking to pol...

How to choose your dryer? Here is the decalogue!

Choosing the right dryer for your needs is a matter of knowledge: the right procedure for buying any new product is first to inform yourself about and investigate the available options, and this also applies to the dryer itself.